Giveaway is now closed


£2000 worth of marketing expertise free to local businesses

Terms and conditions apply please see below.

Helping kick-starters to corporates. From coffee shops and carers, to tech firms and hardy seafarers

Due to the recent pandemic we are taking the spare time to offer our services to local businesses. This means that we can give support in the way we know best.

To apply for the giveaway:

1. You must be local (within 30 miles of Kingsclere, UK)
2. You can only apply for a business that you own or are currently holding a directorship position with
3. For new customers only
4. All work will be completed remotely or conducted safely after lockdown where appropriate
5. Send us 200 words on how you think we could help your business


    We will not sell or pass your details on. They will be used strictly for contact puposes during this campaign only and then deleted.
    T&C’s: There is no cash alternative. The ‘2k’ is based on cost of hours of work provided by personnel only. UM reserve the right to split the ‘2k’ giveaway between multiple businesses. You must be 18+ and a UK resident to apply. UM reserve the right to only work with businesses they believe are of good moral practice (i.e. no business attached to animal cruelty). All creative deadlines are at UM’s discretion.

    Help develop your marketing strategy and take business to the next level
