Our video and audio production has always stood out and over the years engaged millions. Multimedia is often the key engagement medium on a website, blog or app and is the decider whether customers engage further or click off and disappear! It’s essential to get the most from your multimedia this is why we are a talented agency. For audio production we work often with ‘Martin & Rhoades’ two producers who have extensive talent within the full spectrum of audio production – their portfolio demon straights this.
Video production be it; sizzles, promo clips, interviews, product unboxings, product support, live events or filming on location is handled in house. Our history of multimedia production has seen us work alongside industry leaders and professionals, celebrities and music artists, the general public, children and animals. The skill of handling audiences of all kinds is critical to the end result of production, especially when you realise that post production can’t always work miracles or change your original motion content.
Video solutions:
Product unboxings
Product unboxings help consumers discover your product and learn about your company ethos without actually investing in your product. A product unboxing uploaded from manufacturer, distributor or retailer shows honesty, belief and consumer support. Maybe you want to create a buy path through an educational unboxing video? An unboxing showcase of your video gives your product a chance to shine and you a chance to pitch your product via the one to one selling process without actually having to meet with the consumer!
Product features
Boasting about the functionality of your product and giving a live demonstration can often be the catalyst to an online sale, so focusing on a products features and selling points in a video is essential.
Start up guides
Put a stop to the hundreds of customer support calls your business is probably taking from consumers not reading the manual or understanding how your product works. Sometimes you can state clearly on the box or on the product itself but consumers will never read. Start up guides provide that failsafe option with step by step visuals so that the consumer cannot put a foot wrong.
Replacement parts
Product returns can often eat into a huge percentage of your profit margin and are always clearly considered by reputable retailers and distributors. Offering a sales option of replacement parts and / or a video fitting guide can save your business the cost of shipping as well as employee time.
Product launch
Launch your product with a BANG! You may notice that some of the worlds biggest brands create a product launch video and attempt to make viral success a priority. ‘Going viral’ suggests value for money and free advertising to marketeers but going viral can sometimes mean that your product is being circulated for the wrong reasons. Its important to get this correct and gain views for the right reasons for your business.
Aerial videography
FPV drone content
TV advertisement
Corporate video