UoW film student Hannah Cayley interviews Understood Media’s Ollie Martin and asks question regarding the upcoming podcast he plans to release. In this 12 minute piece of audio you will learn what to expect from the podcast and the methodology behind the starting up a podcast within a very saturated market. Ollie explains how audio is the media format of choice and going the extra mile to engage his network will result in better and more efficient communication and networking.
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Student mentoring and sourcing career opportunities
Guest interview
Hannah Cayley – Film Student at Winchester University
Ollie has spent the last six months mentoring Hannah. To finalise their work together they have decided to record an interview on the Mindful Connections podcast, to promote Hannah’s availability for work post graduation to the wider industry through Ollie’s business network. Throughout the 10 minute interview Ollie introduces Hannah and runs through her background and skill set. Whilst recommending Hannah, Ollie discusses the situation where students often find themselves in post graduation, often struggling with difficult pathways into roles they’ve been working towards for years.